Saturday, September 29, 2012

Reality vs. Dreams

In the waking state, I observe one manifestation of reality, seemingly real because of its physical nature.  In the dreaming state, my point of awareness shifts to another level of existence that is just as real as the waking state.  When I am in the reality of my dreams, I do not entertain the idea that an alternate existence is present via the waking state because my point of focus has shifted.  Whether I am in the waking state or the dreaming state, the one constant in both states is my awareness.  My awareness, or my consciousness, moves between both realities.  The more I experience the dreaming state, the more I arrive at the realization that dreams are reality constructs.  In the dream experience, I notice that I may encounter repressed emotions that are represented symbolically by human or non-human entities.  My state of mind may also be represented by my dream environment.  Thus, confusion or disorientation are at times experienced as a severe thunderstorm, tornado, or tsunami.  In contrast, joy or happiness may be experienced as a clear, sunny day in an environment populated by palm trees and sandy beaches.  Essentially, I am projecting thoughts and emotions in the dream and experiencing them as reality.  I am reaching the point where the barrier between reality and dreams is breaking down.  The only distinction between the two states is that I have been conditioned to believe that one is real and the other is not.  But then what is real?  If real is defined as something that can be perceived by my five senses, then my dreams have to be real because I am perceiving them.  I see, experience, and interact with the dream environment, and I am affected by it.  I have a body in the dream just as I have a body in the waking state, but the density of my dream body varies depending on my level of awareness.  Thus I may be denser or heavier in some dreams, and lighter in others.  In the waking state, I also observed that my body tends to be lighter or heavier depending on my thoughts and emotions.  Negative thoughts and emotions tend to weigh me down or burden me, while positive thoughts and emotions make me feel lighter and more free.  It all depends on how I choose to process my experience.  Whether I am in the waking state or the dreaming state, if I am projecting thoughts and emotions into my environment and then experiencing them as reality, then there would be no need for me to be upset by my environment or circumstances because I have created them.  It would be better for me to just accept my reality as it is and make a conscious choice to change it in the present moment.


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